Lemon Essential Oil Lemon Essential Oil

Mindfulness in Home Care

I am at my best when my home is a healthy and happy space to exist in.


For me, home care is about more than just clutter control and the physical aspects of space and objects that connect and reconnect me to joy and experiences. It’s also how I actually treat and clean my home. I find it’s easier to take a break from the world when I’ve been taking care of my home – it’s a mutual reward system of me nurturing my home and my home being ready to nurture me.

It wasn’t always this way. I used to dread my Saturday morning cleaning sessions. I would crank the music and attack my home with the sole purpose of getting through the process as quickly as possible. I would set a timer for 15 minutes and speed through each task just to tick them off of my cleaning to-do list. I eventually learned that my crank-speed process was draining. It got everything clean, but my home didn’t have the same vibe it does now.

Essentially clean

For years, essential oils have been a mainstay in my home-cleaning regimen. I have joked that citrus oils encourage my happiness while cleaning up messes made by my little ones. The combination of tea tree and lemongrass essential oils makes me think of open-window spring days as I mop the kitchen floor. Lavender and basil are combos I use with baking soda for carpet powder. When I choose to care for my home with essential oils I am bringing elements of mindfulness into cleaning. I engage with the sensory aspect of the care of my home and the entire experience elevates beyond my previous Saturday morning cleaning frenzies.

I think about the effect of the oils on the surfaces I use them on. I also think about their lasting effect in my airspace and what impact that will have on my family and guests. As I create simple cleaning recipes, I take the time to really think about my home and all that goes into keeping it the space that it is. I get to nurture it the way it provides nurturance for me and I am thankful for all that I have  –  even when I'm cleaning the toilets. In this way, my home feels cared for on a deep level and my cleaning experience connects me to the experience of living my life in all of its moments.


Authored by:  Charlynn Avery - Aura Cacia Aromatherapist & Sr. Wellness Education Manager and Wellness Lifestyle Enthusiast

This inspiring post lived on Aura Cacia’s Noteworthy site while it was in existence.  The name “Noteworthy” was inspired by the three aroma notes – top, middle and base – found in essential oils. When these three notes come together they create a beautiful, balanced synergy.  Noteworthy was full of contributions by real women aspiring to create a beautiful, balanced synergy in their own lives – and the lives of others.  We are pleased we could continue to share this post to our aromatherapy community.

