Meet Cinnamon Leaf Meet Cinnamon Leaf

Meet Cinnamon Leaf

Surround yourself with the warming and comforting aroma of cinnamon leaf- perfect for fall and winter diffusion blends as well as DIY home and body care products. Diffuse with cardamom, ginger and mandarin orange to create the perfect citrus spice blend, or add a few drops to Aura Cacia Lavender Body Oil for a post-workout massage.


Where Does Aura Cacia Cinnamon Leaf Come From?

Aura Cacia Cinnamon Leaf Essential Oil comes from cinnamon trees growing in Sri Lanka. Also known as "Ceylon" or "true" cinnamon, cinnamon leaf oil is distilled from the leaves of the same tree that produces cinnamon bark oil. Although both are similar in usage, cinnamon leaf oil is chemically a little closer to clove bud oil.


You know, we make a great pair

Cinnamon leaf essential oil blends perfectly with other spice essential oils, including clove, cardamom, ginger and nutmeg, as well as citrus essential oils like sweet orange, mandarin orange, lemon and bergamot. Adding a touch of vanilla absolute lends the blend a creamy, exotic aroma.


Quick tips with cinnamon leaf

  • Add a few drops to your favorite simmer pot recipe
  • Add a few drops to homemade or store-bought potpourri, wreaths or other holiday decorations
  • Diffuse with sweet orange, mandarin orange or lemon for a citrus-spice blend


Recipe: Fall Spice Diffusion

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