Those of us, who enjoy the experience of aromatherapy when first exposed to the wonderful aromas of essential oils, tend to want to take it further. Diffusion of an essential oil or combination of oils is a great way to fill the space with the benefit of aroma. Diffusion is an easy way to interact with essential oils and benefits many spaces, like a work environment or in the car for the daily commute.
Diffusing essential oils in your airspace is a great way to create a desired ambience. When you refresh your airspace with essential oils, you do more than simply impart a pleasant aroma. Essential oils allow you to care for your air with the benefits they provide.
Diffusion in its purest sense (no pun intended), is a process wherein the volatile molecules of essential oils intermingle with the surrounding air molecules. Whatever the method, 18 drops of essential oil will provide about 15 to 20 minutes of noticeable aroma when applied to your airspace. Check the directions included with your diffuser for specific use and dilution recommendations. Adjust the amount of essential oils accordingly.
Which Oils Do I Diffuse?
Choose energizing essential oils like peppermint, eucalyptus and spearmint for morning diffusions to help bring energy and vibrancy into the day. Or use calming essential oils like lavender, chamomile or frankincense in the evening to soothe away the tensions of the day and to bring peace and relaxation into your home. You can also diffuse targeted blends for effect like Chill Pill at the end of the day to decompress.
How Do I Diffuse?
A diffuser — from the simplest to the most sophisticated — offers the opportunity to enhance physical and emotional well-being with the surrounding environment. Diffusers can help create a variety of atmospheres to support sleep, meditation, socializing, dieting, relaxation, mental activity, contentment — any of aromatherapy's benefits.
Diffusers come in many forms. The simplest add convenience and attractiveness to the basic process of exposing oils to the air so they can diffuse into the surrounding atmosphere. Diffusers typically make use of air, heat, electrical current or sonic vibration to disperse essential oils properly in the atmosphere.
Quick Tips for Diffusing Essential Oils
Not all diffusers are created equal!
Read and follow the instructions supplied for your diffuser regarding the oil to water dilutions and other operational info.
How long do I diffuse?
Set the diffuser timer to no more than an hour when continually in the area of diffusion. After that length of time, there are reduced effects and overexposure can cause headaches and other uncomfortableness.
Do all essential oils work in all diffusers?
- If you have an aversion to certain aromas avoid diffusing them.
- Don't use citrus oils in ultrasonic diffusers as the oil may damage its parts.
- Avoid using exceptionally thick or viscous oils in an ultrasonic diffuser
What are best diffusion practices?
- Keep the diffuser clean, washing it frequently — always when changing oils.
- Follow the cleaning instructions supplied for your diffuser.
- Use distilled water for best results for water-based diffusers.
- Elevate the diffuser as much as possible so the oil mist will fall down through the airspace.
- While some air circulation is desirable, open windows or very active heating and air conditioning vents can decease the effectiveness of a diffuser. Avoid placing diffusers near air vents and open windows.